Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 1. 1,-1. 4. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstów. Zakreśl litere A, B albo C. 1. 1. In both texts A. There is a description of a trip. B. People are writing about their plans. C. There are the names of some cities. Hi Jim, Mark told me that you'd like to see me tomorrow, tomorrow my but friend Monica is arriving at 2 pm. I'm having dinner with her. Then at s p. M. We're going to the theatre, and after that she's giving me a lift home, so I probably won't be there until about 8 pm. I know that 8. 30 is quite late, but please let me know if it isn't too late for you to meet. Tom Dear Matt, You won't believe it! Yesterday I was talking to my parents about my holidays this year and you know what? they agreed to pay for my trip to Japan! I'm so excited because I'm going to visit Tokyo. On a sadder note, I'll also visit the areas that were hit by the tsunami in 2011. F'm also thinking about going to Hiroshima - where the first atom bomb was dropped - and its famous Peace Park. I can't wait! Liam.