4 Read the text about different versions of the play from over the years. Work out which character could say the words in 1-6. Romeo and Juliet makeovers

1. She said that she loved Tony.
2. He said that he was a walking dead person, but he then changed for the better.
3. He asked Juliet to stay there and build a garden with him.
4. He said that he had just met a girl called Maria.
5. She said that he had grown a lot since she had las seen him.
6. He said that they hadn't seen each other since they were 10.
W zrozumieniu tych zdań ważna jest znajomość mowy zależnej (Reported Speech)!
Przekształcając zdania na mowę zależną, trzeba pamiętać również o tym, aby zamienić zaimki osobowe, czas i miejsce!
here → there
this → the/that
ago → before
tomorrow → the next day, the following day
yesterday → the day before, the previous day
today → that day
last (month) → the (month) before