2 zadanie Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami. Niektóre litery brakujących słów zostały podane.
1 I was told to stay in bed because I had a slight temperature and a sore _ _ _ o_ _
2 My sister was really ill - it took her three weeks to_ _ _ o _ _ _. But she'is ok now
3 The _ _ _o _ is part of the arm.
4 I'm feeling dizzy - I think I'm going to _ _ i _ _ 5 I know a lot of people who suffer from _ a _ _ e _ _ _ .
6 Jim was hit with a ball in the football match and now has a big _ _ u _ _ _ under his eye 7 The doctor gave John a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p_ _ _ _ for antibiotics 8 My grandpa was advised to try a breathing technique to relax and lower his heart _a_ _ ​