Przeczytaj tekst na temat domu w dziwnym kształcie. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie UK 12:1-12.4. La kreśl jedną z liter: A, B lub C
One of the most unusual houses in the world was built 10 years ago in Japan. This house must be a dream of every child because it is – a slide house. Usually people, when they want to 12.1 ............................. a slide in their house, install it outside or in one of the rooms. The owners of the slide house decided to... build a huge slide in 12.2 ........................... house! When you come into the house you need to go up on the 12.3 ......................... floor and then onto the second floor. The way back takes only a few seconds as you... slide down to a kitchen and a living room downstairs! The owners of the house 12.4 ........... .............. three young children. They probably wanted their children to be able to play all the time in the house – sliding up and down. A big, unseparated bedroom (one for all family members) is located on the last floor of the house. When you go downstairs, there's a playroom with many colourful balls. What a fun for kids to live in such a house!