3 What do these customer notices mean?
Write sentences using have to or don't have to.
0 'Buy now, pay later.'
You can have the item now, but you don't have
to pay for it yet.
'Please ask assistant before trying on clothes.'
2 'Cash only - no credit or debit cards accepted!
3 'We can deliver your shopping to your home.'

Odpowiedź :


1. You can try clothes on, but you have to ask assistant beforehand.
2. You can use cash, but we don't have to accept credit or debit cards.
3. You can go shopping by yourself, but you don't have to do it because we are delivering your shopping to your home.


Wyrażenia have to, używamy jako zamiennika must. Natomiast don't have to używamy jako, nie musisz, nie ma takiej potrzeby, ponieważ mustn't oznacza zdecydowanie nie wolno.