niedawno obchodziłeś/aś urodziny . Napisz e-mail w języku angielskim
w e-mail`u uwzględnij :
- podziękuj za prezent i powiedz czy ci się podobał,
- opisz swoje przyjęcie urodzinowe
- napisz co robiłeś/aś po przyjęciu

Odpowiedź :

Hi Edith,

How are you doing? Thank you for the book about Vincent van Gogh you gave me for my birthday. I love it! I started reading it today. It's great, van Gogh is my favourite painter. It's a shame you couldn't come to my birthday party. We had a lot of fun. I spent a lot of time decorating my room. I was so happy when my friends finally came! We danced, laughed and talked. My mom ordered a pizza and made some treats for us as well. We went for a long walk after eating. Around 9 o'clock my friends had to leave. I was very tired, so I showered and went to bed. I hope you feel better soon. I hate being sick.

All the best,


jest okolo 130 slow, mam nadzieje, ze to nie za duzo