Angielski - strona bierna zadania są w załączniku, prosze pomóżcie mi niewiem jak to zrobić :((

Angielski Strona Bierna Zadania Są W Załączniku Prosze Pomóżcie Mi Niewiem Jak To Zrobić class=

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Present simple passive

1) Uniforms are worn in many British schools.

2) In summer, more ice cream are eaten than in winter.

3) Milk is kept in the fridge.

4) Portuguese language is spoken in Brasil.

5) Alcohol is not sold to anyone under 18. It's against the law.

Past simple passive

1) The song Yesterday was composed in 1965.

2) Buckingham Palace was built in 1703.

3) The royal wedding was watched by millions of people in 2011.

4) The children were saved by the firefighters last night.

5) My keys were found two days ago.

6) Their beds were not made this morning.

Will future passive

1) The museum will be visited by thousands of people next year.

2) The contact will be signed by our boss.

3) Your order will be taken by one of the waiters.

4) The new book will be published next month.

5) The job will be done by tomorrow, I promise.

6) The new film will not be shown in the cinema.

Present perfect passive

1) Many buildings have been destroyed in the earthquake in Mexico.

2) Many lives have been lost in the tsunami in Indonesia.

3) He has been employed by a big computer company.

4) Our house has been broken into.

5) Some trees have been planted in the street.

6) I have not been bitten by a snake.


Najlepiej to wyjaśnić na przykładzie, np. weźmy

'Uniforms are worn in many British schools.' To znaczy, że mundurki są noszone w wielu brytyjskich szkołach.

Albo 'The children were saved by the firefighters last night.' - Dzieci zostały uratowane przez strażaków zeszłej nocy.

'The museum will be visited by thousands of people next year.' - Muzeum w przyszłym roku zostanie odwiedzone przez tysiące ludzi.

Many buildings have been destroyed in the earthquake in Mexico. - Wiele budynków zostało zniszczonych podczas trzęsienia ziemii w Meksyku.

Tu ogólnie chodzi o to, żeby umieć powiedzieć zdanie na kilka sposobów

i jak wspomniałem - najlepiej tego się nauczyć na przykładach. (Podstawą jest znajomość czasów)

Mam nadzieję, że choć trochę pomogłem :D