Everyday life (życie codzienne) – ZADANIE NA OCENĘ
Proszę Państwa o zrobienie i przesłanie mi odpowiedzi do zadań związanych ze słownictwem
dotyczącym życia codziennego, rutyny, planu dnia. Przydatne zwroty znajdą Państwo w przesłanym
przeze mnie pliku w ramach lekcji 3.
Zad. 1. Uzupełnij tekst podanymi wyrażeniami.
brush, do, get, have, have, have, meet, play, read, starts, visit, wake, wash, watch, write
I usually (1)………………. up at 7 in the morning. I (2) …………… a quick shower,
(3) …………. my teeth, (4) ……….. my hair and then (5) …….. breakfast.
My school (6) ……….. at 8 every day and because it is just round the corner I only need five
minutes to get there. After school I often (7) ……….. my friends or go to (8) ……………. my
grandfather. I (9) ………… back home at around 5 pm, just before my parents come home from
work. We eat the food my mother cooked the day before and then I usually (10) ………… TV.
I (11) ………….. my homework later in the evening and then (12) ………… computer games or
(13)………… e-mails to my friends. I have supper around 8 or 9 pm and then (14) …………. a
bath. I always (15) ……… in bed before going to sleep.
Zad. 2. Uzupełnij brakujące czasowniki tak, by powstała lista prac do wykonania.
clean, clean, collect, do, do, dust, empty, hang, mop, prepare, put, vacuum, walk, wash
1. ………….. the carpets
2. …………….. the floor
3. ……………. the washing machine
4. …………….up the washing
5. …………..the ironing
6. ……………...the shelves
7. ……………. the shopping
8. ……………. rubbish out
9. ……………. Arthur from nursery school
10. …………. the dog
11. …………… the car
12. …………….. dinner
13. ……………. the dishes
14. …………….. the kitchen

Odpowiedź :

Zad 1:

1. wake
2. have
3. brush
4. do
5. have
6. starts
7. meet
8. visit
9. get
10. watch
11. make
12. play
13. write
14. have
15. read

Zad 2:

1. vaccum
2. mop
3. empty
4. put
5. do
6. dust
7. do
8. clean
9. collect
10. walk
11. clean

12. perpare
13. wash
14. clean