zadanie 2 i 3
język angielski klasa 8
ps. kliknijcie w zdjęcie

Zadanie 2
1. In Russia. It's very impolite to point at some thing with your finger.
2. I was talking to my friend when Laura just interrupted me!
3. I can't stand it when Luke talks with his mouth full.
4. My dad always opens my door withot knocking it's so annoying!
5. The two businessmen shook hands.
6. She always hugs someone when she first meets them
Zadanie 3
1. Suize is fluent in Spanish and German
2. I always kiss my mum on the cheek.
3. Showing the soles of your feet is insulting in some clutures.
4. Tammy made a gesture with her hand that meant she was happy
5. Ian pointed at me with his finger.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem. Liczę na naj :D!