Przeczytaj teksty. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów
Research on canine intelligence has proved that dogs are brighter than was previously thought. Not 1_________________ are they brilliant at reading human expressions and body language, but also at interpreting them. Apparently, they are much better at it even than chimpanzees, which are 2_________________ closest relatives. In fact, some dogs are able to understand up to 250 words, signs or signals.
Scientists believe that 3_________________ was taming and domesticating dogs that have helped these special abilities to evolve. For example, it has been proved that dogs can be trained to perform complex tasks. Tests have shown that they can also count up to five. The most intelligent breeds 4_________________ said to be Border Collies and retrievers, whereas hounds and terriers – the least. They just bark at everything.
If somebody asked you to name the most valuable treasure you possess, 1_________________ would you say it was? Most would probably mention some personal belongings, but it’s our personal information which should be most treasured and, therefore, securely protected.
The problem of identity theft is not a completely new phenomenon but 2_________________ now it hasn’t been widely discussed or even fully explained. Indeed, people have pretended to be other people throughout the centuries but now it is possible to collect our data in a much 3_________________ efficient way. One reason why criminals can get hold of our personal information is the fact that people tend to be quite careless about their personal data. Some throw out bank statements and official letters with their normal rubbish. To make 4_________________ worse, some use websites which are not protected properly or share information about themselves online.
The night before the worst day of my life 1_________________ had been terrible wind and heavy rain so I knew we would be busy removing debris and fallen branches or the need to pump the water out of people’s basements. 2_________________ I didn’t expect though was that it would be me who would have to be rescued on that shift.
Early in the morning, my team was called to check a building that seemed to have moved because of the rain. The building looked quite safe from the outside and we went inside to 3_________________ a better look. And then the building started collapsing around me. I remember falling and when I woke up I realised that I was trapped. Waiting for help seemed an eternity, but when I heard familiar voices and saw dim lights, my face lit up with happiness 4_________________ my body was aching all over.