Proszę o pomoc daje naj!
Muszę podać co najmniej 3 odpowiedzi na te pytania?
Ktoś pomoże?

Zestaw nr 1
1 – What is your favourite school subject? Why?
2 – Do you like going to school? Why? Why not?

Zestaw nr 2
1 – Are you going to continue your education at a university?
2 – Do you think young people should work during summer holidays? Why? Why not?

Zestaw nr 3
1 – What do you do to be fit and healthy?
2 – What do you do to get rid of exam stress?

Zestaw nr 4
1 – How do you spend free time with your friends?
2 – What is your favourite gadget? Why?

Zestaw nr 5
1 – Why should we eat fruit and vegetables?
2 – What is your favourite place at home?

Zestaw nr 6
1 – Do you think young children should read books? Why? Why not?
2 – What makes you happy?

Odpowiedź :


Zestaw nr 1

1 – What is your favourite school

1-My favorite school subject is Chemistry because I like to look at the experiences performed by the teacher


Zestaw 1
1- my favorite subject is History, because I like learning about things that happened. I think most interesting thing in history is the era of Romanticism.
2- I like going to school, because I can meet my friends there, and learn so much things

Zestaw 2
1- Yes I think I will, I still want to learn new things

Zestaw 3
1- I’m eating healthy, I do a lot of exercises, I don’t use things that is bad to my health

2- I’m trying to don’t think about it, I do my favorite things like reading books or watching movies