Bardzo Prosze o pomoc, daje naj i 40 punktów.

Mówienie i pisanie
A. Pomyśl o pomysłach w ramce

*Kiedy i gdzie się to odbywa?
*jak długo trwa
*kiedy się zaczęło i dlaczego
*kto bierze w nim udział
*jakie przygotowania czynią ludzie
*co się dzieje
*co ludzie noszą/robią/jedzą
*ile osób kończy imprezę

B. Napisz krótki opis uroczystości/festiwalu/wydarzenia, które omówiłeś powyżej

Odpowiedź :


i was invited for a wedding of my cousin,when i arrived to saint michaels church it was 10 am, at first i didn't saw anybody, i was concerned that i might be too soon, or worst it was not this day, it said on the invitation that the wedding was at 9 am, of 7 march 2021, it was exactly this time and day, so i checked around the church, turns out i was at the wrong entrance. at the wedding there were uncle tom, aunt jenny, fiancee of my cousin alice, and many more, they all were wearing smart clothes, like suits and verry nice dresses, i saw couple of people preparing flowers, and rice to throw after wedding. after wedding some people were eating some sweets that were prepared for guests, and when i saw amounts of people after the wedding at party they were like 200 people!.after the wedding i just went back home, it all lasted 10 hours, exhausting, but i liked it.
