Proszę, potrzebuję na jutro! Napisz po angielsku:
1. Wyjaśnij koledze, w jaki sposób działa wybrane urządzenie elektroniczne.
2. Opisz swoje przykre doświadczenie związane z awarią wybranego urządzenia.
3. Wyraź gniew z powodu faktu, że ktoś zepsuł Ci jakiś sprzęt sportowy.
5. Wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie mogłabyś funkcjonować w domu bez jakiegoś urządzenia.
7. Przedstaw wady i zalety komunikowania się za pomocą Internetu.

Do każdego punktu co najmniej 4 zdania. PROSZĘ! Dam naj!

Odpowiedź :


1. So Mark, I know you only use your phone and don't really know how a computer works, so I'll explain it to you.

This is a keyboard, you click on the letters and they pop up on your screen ( I know, magic right? )

This however is a mouse, you use it to move around your cursor and click things by it

You open tabs or apps here like on the phone, just move your cursor to an icon and click it.


One time, there was a power malfunction in my house and I heard my computer wire hissing so I as fast as I could pluged it out from the outlet


One time I was with John playing basketball, when suddenly after missing a couple of times, he got very mad. He kicked the ball so far it bounced onto the road and got ran over by a car! I slapped John in the face and was mad at him for a week.

5. You know computers, these awesome boxes with electronics inside, that are helping you with so much stuff, imagine living without one! How could you browse internet sites, play games or contact your friends? Like sure, phones can be good too, but computers are on another level.

7. The good things are that it's a fast way to contact your friends.

You can send a messege and it can be read in like 3 seconds by someone in another city or country.

But there are also bad things, like strangers that we don't know.

You can never be sure who you are talking with.


Jakby nie było gdzieś 4 zdań, to pozmieniaj coś w tekście, albo dopisz :)