Napisać dialog na temat filmu np(Shrek) używając tych pytań ​

Napisać Dialog Na Temat Filmu NpShrek Używając Tych Pytań class=

Odpowiedź :


A- Hey Steve, have you seen the new movie Avengers endgame?

B- Yes I have.

A- I haven't watched it yet. Who plays in it?

B- Well I know that Robert Downey Jr. acts in the film.

A- I've not heard of him, where does he play?

B- Well I know he acts in Dr.Doolitle, Sherlock Holmes...

A- So what's it about, and when did it come out?

B- It came out the 30 od March and it's kind of complicated, I will let you find out when you see the movie. I dont want to spoil the film for you.

A- Good idea, but do tell me what tyle of film is it?

B- Well it's a sci-fi action movie.

A- Whould you recomend it?

B- Of course I honestly might watch it again.