115 (z tego co rozumiem to mamy dokończyć zdania, nie ważne jaka odp, byle by było dobrze
2 they are Busy
3 I dont wanna hear her
4 you never write back
5 his parents wont let him go
6 I will not pick up the call
7 they are sick so he has to come back
2 my
4 their
5 her
6 his
7 his lub its ale raczej his
8 his
9 his
10 my
3 their?
4 I?
5 my
6 mine
7 they
8 them
9 I
10 me
11 his
12 he
13 him
14 him
15 them
16 their
17 her lub hers
18 mine
19 your lub yours
20 their
21 your
Mam nadzieję że wszystko dobrze, życzę miłej nocy