Proszę pomoże ktoś.
Potrzebuje na już

1 If my sister made a list of tasks, she wouldn't forget to do some things.
2 If I didn't have an exam today, I wouldn't be very/ so nervous.
3 If we had enough time, we would/ could practise karate.
4 If I knew French, I would tell you what this word means.
5 If I lived on a desert island, I could/ would lie on the beach all day long.
6 If she travelled by bike, she would save money.
7 If there were enough room in our flat, we would have a dog.
8 If my father weren't always busy, we would spend much time together.
9 If Sandra were a famous singer, Timothy would write songs for her.
10 If I weren't allergic to seafood, I could eat this dish.
1. If my sister made a list of tasks, she wouldn't forget to do some things.
2. If I didn't get an exan today, I wouldn't be nervous.
3. If we had enough time, we would practise karate.
4. If I knew French, I could tell you what this word means.
5. If I lived on a desert island, I would lie on the beach all day long.
6. If she travelled by bike, she would save money.
7. If there were enough room in my flat, I would have a dog.
8. If my dad weren't always busy, we would spend much time together.
9. If Sandra were a famous singer, Timothy would write songs for her.
10. If I weren't allergic to seafood, I could eat this dish.
Schemat zdań oznajmujących w II trybie warunkowym:
If + podmiot + past simple + reszta, podmiot + would + czasownik w formie podstawowej + reszta
Podmiot + would + czasownik w formie podstawowej + reszta if + podmiot + past simple + reszta
W II trybie czasownik "to be" dla wszystkich osób liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej przyjmuje formę "were".