ZAKUPY I USŁUGI : Słowotwórstwo. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od tych, które zostały podane w nawiasach.
1. Hi, I would like to make a complain) .......
The clock I bought is
2. How much did you pay for your insure) ....
3. He's addicted to shopping, he's a (shop).....
4. I cook everything myself, I don't buy (convenient)
... food
because it's not healthy.
5. All our (custom) .....
are important to us.
6. Where are the (fit) ..
7. The (enter)..
to this stationery store is always so nicely
8. You can (change)....
money in the bureau de change.
9. How are those products (advert)
on TV?
10.In this shop there is a wide (vary) .....
of chocolate.