Wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie
Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast - jezeli jest to
konieczne - dodac inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymac logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdonio.
wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow. Uwaga: w każdą luke możesz wpisac maksymalnie piec wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy juz podane.

1. Brandon was on a school trip last Tuesday so (it/can/be/he)you saw at that restaurant

2. Why isn't the classroom dark?' - I don't know, the janitor (may / turn off)
the lights when he was cleaning it.

3. This bruise looks awful (it / must/hurt)
a lot when the ball hit you.

4 lan and Andrea aren't in their room anymore, so they( must / check out)
earlier than the rest of their group.

5. David's story sounds completely impossible; (it / can/ happen)
he told it so I'm sure it was just an excuse for arriving late.

6. Mrs Perry had never dreamt of becoming famous, so it (must / come)
shock when she discovered she had been selected to compete in the second edition
of Masterchef

7. I am not sure why Luke was late for the party but he (may / get / stuck)
a traffic jam on his way there or perhaps he finished work later than usual.

8.Jason (can / cheat).the exam last week because he is an excellent
student and it doesn't sound like him at all.

9. My Dad can quote this film in his sleep, so I think he (must / see / it).least a dozen times!

10. Is this an genuine Rolex watch on Jim's wrist? It looks so luxurious (it / must / cost)

11. Gabrielle used to love badminton as a child but since she strongly dislikes it now
she (must / go off)it in the meantime.

Odpowiedź :


1. Brandon was on a school trip last Tuesday so (it could be that he) you saw at that restaurant

2. Why isn't the classroom dark?' - I don't know, the janitor (may have turned off)  the lights when he was cleaning it.

3. This bruise looks awful (it must have hurt)  a lot when the ball hit you.

4 Ian and Andrea aren't in their room anymore, so they (must have checked out)  earlier than the rest of their group.

5. David's story sounds completely impossible; (it couldn't have happened as) he told it so I'm sure it was just an excuse for arriving late.

6. Mrs Perry had never dreamt of becoming famous, so it (must have come as a)  shock when she discovered she had been selected to compete in the second edition of Masterchef

7. I am not sure why Luke was late for the party but he (may have got stuck)

a traffic jam on his way there or perhaps he finished work later than usual.

8. Jason (couldn't have cheated at) the exam last week because he is an excellent

student and it doesn't sound like him at all.

9. My Dad can quote this film in his sleep, so I think he (must have seen it at) least a dozen times!

10. Is this a genuine Rolex watch on Jim's wrist? It looks so luxurious (it must have cost a) fortune!

11. Gabrielle used to love badminton as a child but since she strongly dislikes it now  she (must've gone off) it in the meantime.