Write about some of your friends. Say how many people you've got in your friendship group and what you've got in common.
I've got a small group of friends..........
Bezsensowne odpowiedzi zgłaszam!!!

Odpowiedź :

ok najpierw dokladnie nie wiem ile osob masz w swojej ekipie znajomych , 3 ,4 itp . Wiec dam przyklad np 3. A ty sobie w zeszycie zmienisz naprzyklad.Oraz gdy pisze * kogos imie * to wtedy mozesz kogos imie wpisac, np kogos z swojej klasy lub cos w tym stylu. Oraz historie ktore tu wpisalam sa wymyslone wiec mozesz tez wymyslec jakies imie i zeby klasa lub ktos nie wiedzial kto to . Tak samo z She/He/They , nie wiem kto ma jakie zaimki wiec mozesz wybrac :D

- My friendship group is pretty small , there are 3 members of it - * kogos imie * , kogos imie * , kogos imie * . My friend * kogos imie * really likes swmining! She/He/They are really fast and good at it! And * kogos imie * really loves animals! , she/he/they has 3 cats and 1 hamster, but *kogos imie* dosent really like animals , usually dogs , she/he/they think they are scary! But She/he/they like movies! She/He/They like the most " SuperHero Powers " movie! Shes/Hes/They are such good at picking movies.

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