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A Bad day

It was a bad day today, at first it was fine, just my usual routine, wake up at 6, go brush my teeth, change(my clothes), and go make breakfast, the first red flag that my day was gonna be annoying is that I was out of milk when I already poured cereal into the bowl!  So I got dressed, and went out to buy some milk, it was so cold outside! But I managed to get my shopping done and go back to my house. Turns out, I've caught a cold because it was that freezing outside, and that caused me to skip school, it was a bad day, I hope at least I'll start getting better with the cold.

Wyjasnienie: Opisuje w blogu to jak robie swoja rutyne: wstaje o 6 ide umyc zeby, przebrac sie, i zjesc sniadanie, ale na pecha gdy juz mamy platki w misce okazuje sie ze skonczylo nam sie mleko i musimy isc w zimnie do sklepu, co powoduje ze przeziebiamy sie przez co zostajemy w domu a nie idziemy do szkoly/pracy, co spowodowalo u nas zly dzien. ("a bad day")

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