Make questions from an interview with a rock star.
are/ new / you/ album / to call / going / What/ your 1 ?
What are you going to call your new album?
2 out /it/ to come /is/When / going /?
3 give / in London / Are / to la concert / you / going /?
a holiday I you/ the concert / have / going /to / Are / after 1?
are / holidays / you / going / Where / your / to spend /?
6 are going / you / with / Who / take / you / to I?

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: When is it going to come out?

Are you going to give a concert in London?

Are you going to have a holiday after the concert?

Where are you going to spend your holidays?

Who are you going to take with you?


Kiedy wyjdzie twój album?( w sensie zostanie obublikowany)

Dasz koncert w Londynie?(tu też nie dosłownie ale chyba wiadomo o co chodzi)

Czy będziesz miał urlop po koncercie?

Gdzie spędzisz swój urlop/święta ? (tutaj kontekstowo nie jestem pewna)

Kogo ze sobą weźmiesz?