proszę o dobrą odp język angielski

1. I have studied French.
2. She has eaten octopus.
3. They have gone to Scotland.
4. We have read that book.
5. He has lived here for three years.
6. You have known David for ten years.
7. We have been here for two weeks.
8. I have lost my keys.
9. He has drunk too much coffee.
10. They have missed the train.
1.I have studied French.
2.She has eaten octopus.
3.They have gone to Scotland.
4.We have read that book.
5.He has lived here for three years.
6.You have known David for ten years.
7.We have been here for two weeks.
8.I have lost my keys.
9.He has drunk too much coffee.
10.They have missed the train.
1.Studiował*m francuski.
2.Ona zjadła ośmiornicę.
3.Oni wyjechali do Szkocji.
4.Przeczytaliśmy tą książkę.
5.On mieszkał tu przez trzy lata.
6.Znałeś Davida przez dziesięć lat.
7.Byliśmy tu przez dwa tygodnie.
8.Zgubił*m swoje klucze.
9.On wypił za dużo kawy.
10.Oni przegapili pociąg.
Dobranoc :)