ZAKREŚL W ZDANIACH WŁAŚCIWY WYRAZ: 1. I haven't seen him a/ SINCE b/FOR last week. 2. They haven't eaten anything a/ SINCE b/FOR breakfast. 3. We haven't seen each other a/ SINCE b/ FOR a year. 4. She hasn't driven a car a/ SINCE b/ FOR six months. 5. You have lived here a/ SINCE b/ FOR 1992. / b 6. He has lived there a/ SINCE b/ FOR many years. 7. I haven't been to Paris a/ SINCE b/ FOR January. 8. It hasn't rained a/ SINCE b/ FOR two weeks. 9. I haven't been to the barber a/ SINCE b/ FOR last Christmas. 10. She has not received a letter a/ SINCE b/ FOR last Monday.