Odpowiedź :
1. Sarha visited her best friends last week.
2. I never cheated when I went to school.
3. The computer worked properly 10 years ago.
4. Luck wrote an essay yesterday.
5. We played outside last week.
6. You watched a cartoon 1 hour ago.
7. Tina learned German when she was a little girl.
8. My brothers met their friends last Saturday.
9. Chris went on holidays last Thursday.
10. My mum gave me a hug.
11. Their family spent time together at the weekend.
12. Jane and Barbara bought new clothes three days ago.
13. Your dad forgot to pay the bills last month.
14. I borrowed the dress from Jessie.
15. They spoke Chinese.
16. She was ill last Monday.
17. I was late for lessons.
18. My sister and her family were in the forest a month ago.
1. We didn't have enough money to buy a new car last week.
2. Adele didn't sell her old shoes.
3. His children didn't play football last Sunday.
4. I didn't tell you the truth.
5. He didn't call me last night.
6. Moris didn't clean his room.
7. They didn't pass their exams last year.
8. Students didn't come to the lecture.
9. My neighbours didn't organise a party last week.
10. Hannah wasn't at school yesterday.
11. I didn't learn the poem by heart!
12. Her sisters weren't tired after the party.
13. You didn't find a job last year.
14. They didn't talk to me last time.
15. I wasn't hungry in the morning.
16. Peter didn't pass his English exam.
17. We weren't by the lake last week.
18. She didn't invite her sister for the party.
Past Simple to czas przeszły.
W zdaniach twierdzących czasowniki występują w 2 postaciach:
- regularne zapisujemy z końcówką ed, np. worked, talked
- nieregularne mają różne formy i trzeba się ich nauczyć - zwykle w podręcznikach są tabelki z całą odmianą tych czasowników ;), np. leave - left lub teach - taught
W zdaniach przeczących używamy didn't, po którym wstawiamy czasownik w formie podstawowej, np. I didn't work yesterday.
Wyjątkiem jest czasownik be (być), który zastępujemy słówkiem wasn't (dla 1. i 3. osoby liczby pojedynczej) lub weren't (dla 2. osoby liczby pojedynczej i każdej osoby liczy mnogiej).