Bardzo proszę o pomoc w tym zadaniu. Wyjorzystaj wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami ,uzupełnij luki tak aby zachowac sens zdania wyjściowego wpisz maksymalnie trzy wyrazy . 1 My plan is to some voluntary work on Saturday.GOING some voluntary work on Saturday. 2 If Anna behaves badly,she"ll get detention WELL Anna won't get detention if..... 3 When you mix yellow and red, you get orange. IF You get orange......yellow and red. 4 It's possible that we won't pass the exam.FAIL We....the exam. 5 You will meet our new head teacher if you go to assembly.MEET If you don't go to assembly, you ....our new head teacher.​

Odpowiedź :


1. am going to

2. she behaves well

4. if you mix

5. will probably fail

6. won't (will not) meet

1. I’m going to do some voluntary work on Saturday

2. Anna won’t get detention if she behaves well

3. If you get orange, you mixed yellow and red

4. We could fail the exam

5. If you don’t go to assembly, you won’t meet our new head teacher