pomóżcie wykonać!
p – a penny/(liczba mnoga)pence
£ - pound/pounds

How much is this bike?
It’s ……………………

How much are these shoes?
They’re ………………..

99 p ……………………………………………………………
£ 2 ……………………………………………………………
£ 1 ……………………………………………………………
£20.20 ……………………………………………………………
£350 ……………………………………………………………
£69.99 ……………………………………………………………
£10.60 ……………………………………………………………
£ 24.99 ……………………………………………………………
45 p ……………………………………………………………
£ 249.00 ……………………………………………………………
£ 6.75 ……………………………………………………………

£ 130 …………………………………..
£50 …………………………………..
£5 …………………………………..
£55 …………………………………..
£3 …………………………………..
£12 …………………………………..
£350 …………………………………..
26 p …………………………………..
£100 …………………………………..
£500 …………………………………..
£30.99 …………………………………..
£9.88 …………………………………..
50p …………………………………..
£1.50 …………………………………..
20 p …………………………………..
£1000 …………………………………..
£ 1540 …………………………………..
40 p …………………………………..
66 p …………………………………..
£ 40.50 …………………………………..

prosze :D

Odpowiedź :



How much is this bike?

It’s one hundred pounds and fifty pences

How much are these shoes?

They’re fifty five pounds

99 p ninety nine pences

£ 2 two pound

£ 1 one pound

£20.20 twenty pounds and twenty pences

£350 three hundred fifty pounds

£69.99 sixty nine pounds and ninety nine pences

£10.60 ten pounds and sixty pences

£ 24.99 twenty four pounds and ninety nine pences

45 p forty five pences

£ 249.00 two hundred nine pounds

£ 6.75 six pounds and seventy five pences

£ 130 one hundred and thirty pounds

£50 fifty pounds

£5 five pound

£55 fifty five pounds

£3 three pound

£12 twelve pounds.

£350 three hundred and fifty pounds

26 p twenty six pence

£100 one hundred pounds

£500 five hundred pounds

£30.99 thirty pounds and ninety pences

£9.88 nine pounds and eighty eight pences

50p fifty pences

£1.50 one pound and fifty pences

20 p twenty pences

£1000 one thousand pounds

£ 1540 one thousand five hundred forty pounds

40 p forty pences

66 p sixty six pences

£ 40.50 forty pounds and fifty pences
