5 zdań oznajmujących i przeczących w zero conditinalu ​

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Zdania Oznajmujące:

  • Mike is late for work if he misses the tram at 7.30.
  • If you want to leave a message, speak after the beep.
  • If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
  • When you eat, you don't get hungry.
  • If you eat much, you won't be fit.

Zdania przeczące:

  • If you don't eat, you die.
  • When you don't eat, you get hungry.
  • If I don't put sugar in my tea even for a week, I always lose weight.
  • Plants die if they don't get  water.
  • If you don’t follow the safety rules, you put your life in danger.


Okresu "zerowego" używamy, kiedy mówimy o czymś, co jest zawsze prawdą.


                             If + Present Simple + Present Simple                                          


If you mix red and blue, you get purple. - Jeśli wymieszasz czerowny i niebieski otrzymasz kolor fioletowy.



if you heat the water, it boils.

if you work too much, you get tired.

if you don't behave well at school, you get detention.

if you freeze water, it turns into ice.

if you don't water your plants, they die.