Proszę pomocy na teraz angielski zamień te zdania na stronę bierna daje naj

UWAGA! Nie gwarantuję, że ta odp jest w 100% poprawna. Tak czy inaczej, postarałam się Ci pomóc. Języka angielskiego uczę się zaledwie dwa lata, a pomagając tobie, przy okazji uczę się języka. Pozdro!
1. Our homework has been done by us.
2. Our rooms was cleaned by us.
3. The car will be repaired by William.
4. Spanish is spoken by people in Columbia.
5. A letter was sent by us the day before yesterday.
6. Some colleagues was defended by the secretary.
7. All the milk has been drunk by somebody.
8. The house has been destroyed by the fire.
9. This is suprised me.
10. The thief will be caught by the police.
11. This quarrel will be forgotten by you soon.
12. My wallet was stolen by that man.
13. Milk is used to make butter and cheese.
14. these suits was made by them in Switzerland.
15. The dogs were kept by him in the house.