Najbliższe wakacje spędzisz u kuzyna w Irlandii. Poinformował cię on, że firma, w której pracuje, poszukuje pracownika biurowego na pół etatu w sezonie wakacyjnym. Napisz list do szefa firmy. Napisz, w jaki sposób dowiedziałeś/dowiedziałaś się o ofercie pracy. Przedstaw się i wyjaśnij, dlaczego interesuje cię ta oferta. Opisz swoje dotychczasowe doświadczenie zawodowe. 4 Wyraź chęć odbycia rozmowy o pracę przez Skype’a. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów. Dear Mr Smith, I am writing to express my interests in the position of a part-time office assistant.

Odpowiedź :


Dear Mr Smith,

I'm writing to express my interests in the position of a part-time office assistant.

My cousing told me about the job yesterday. I immediately thought it was a great idea.

I'm 19, my name is Antek and I'm from Poland. I speak french and english fluently. I'm very organized and kind. I'm interested in the offer because I need money to buy a car.

Before I worked in a couple of offices as an assistant. Everyone was very happy with my work and they can recommend me. If you want we could possibly talk the detials through Skype.

Hope to hear from you soon,



Liczba słów: 114



Dear Mr Smith, I am writing to express my interests in the position of a part-time office assistant.

I found out about this offer from my cousin and I am interested in this job. I am an experienced office worker, I worked in a

large corporation in Warsaw and I am also learning many things related to working in an office, I am fluent in Microsoft Office and I would like to know more about working in your company. Can we talk on Skype?

I look forward to your reply

Best regards
