Zamień podane zdania na stronę bierną:

The Vikings discovered America before Columbus.

Brazil grows coffee.

A bakery delivers fresh bread to the shops every day.

I sent you a message yesterday.

Somebody damaged my parents’ car last night.

Logging companies cut down many trees in the Amazon jungle every day.

Mum made spaghetti last Saturday.


Dżem wytwarza się z owoców.

Wiele filmów jest produkowanych corocznie w Hollywood.

Drogie samochody są produkowane w tej fabryce.

Serwisy informacyjne są oglądane codziennie przez miliony ludzi.

Nektar jest zbierany przez pszczoły.
daje naj!!

Odpowiedź :


America was discovered by the Vikings before Columbus.

Coffee is grown in Brazil.

Fresh bread is delivered by a bakery to the shops every day.

A message was sent by me to you yesterday.

My parents' car was damaged last night.

Many trees in the Amazon jungle are cut down by logging companies every day.

Spaghetti was made by mum last Saturday.


Jam is made from fruit.

Many films are produced every year in Hollywood.

Expensive cars are produced at this factory.

News are watched by millions of people every day.

The nectar is collected by the bees.