Napisz minimum 10 zdań o Twojej wielkanocy.


W tym roku Wielkanoc była 4 kwietnia.
Przed Wielkanocą .............
Myślę, że w tym roku ...
Wielkanoc była inna niż przed pandemią.
Wielkanoc była podobna do święta przed pandemią.
(ale nie z powodu pandemii)
z powodu kwarantanny

(Dodaj jeszcze swoje pomysły co mogła robić w kwarantannę)
Na jutro
Daje naj ❤️​

Odpowiedź :

Easter this year was on the fourth of April. Everything looked completely different than before the pandemic. The day before Easter. I was shopping with my family, we bought a lot of food and decorations. We were preparing dishes all Saturday. Unfortunately, this year my cousins ​​were unable to come to me due to quarantine. Despite the prohibitions, I had a lot of fun. on Sunday morning we had a delicious Easter breakfast. Later my parents gave me a basket of delicious chocolate eggs. I poured water on my parents on Monday morning when they were sleeping. It was so funny!