Zadanie 2.
Uzupełnij drugie zdanie z każdej pary, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj przy tym podanych
początków i zakończeń zdań. W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.
2.1. They are installing new printers in our computer lab. ARE
We _________in our computer lab.
2.2. I became interested in chemistry when I was 12. SINCE
I have _________the age of 12.
2.3. Working out solutions to maths problems is not always easy for me. FIND
I sometimes _________out solutions to maths problems.
2.4. My sister had never run a webinar before yesterday, and she was really stressed out. TIME
My sister was really stressed out yesterday because it was the first_________a webinar.
2.5. "You need to protect your online identity," our IT teacher told us. ADVISE
Our IT teacher_______online identity​

Odpowiedź :


2.1. They are installing new printers in our computer lab. ARE

We _____are having new printers installed____in our computer lab.

2.2. I became interested in chemistry when I was 12. SINCE

I have ______been interested in chemistry since___the age of 12.

2.3. Working out solutions to maths problems is not always easy for me. FIND

I sometimes ____find it hard to work_____out solutions to maths problems.

2.4. My sister had never run a webinar before yesterday, and she was really stressed out. TIME

My sister was really stressed out yesterday because it was the first_____time she ran____a webinar.

2.5. "You need to protect your online identity," our IT teacher told us. ADVISE

Our IT teacher___advised us to protect our____online identity
