Czas przeszły, język angielski
Wszystko ze zdjęcia...

Zad 1:
Yesterday was a busy day. I woke up at 6am, had breakfast quickly and then I went to work. I finished at noon and then ate some lunch. Afterwards i drove to the shops, bought some paint and then painted my bedroom. My housemate came home from work so i helped him paint his room, then we repaired his car as it wobbled alot. I wished it hasn't, as I hurt my hand! After that I cleaned my house. I vacuumed up all the downstairs and then tidied up the living room and the kitchen. I was pretty tired by then so i ate some dinner, yawned, and went to bed!
Zad 2:
1. Thought.
2. Ringed.
3. Went.
4. Ate.
5. Took.
6. Saw.
7. Left.
8. Drank.
9. Said.
10. Paid.