15-6 etscher muna and tomato roll This is my favourite lunch and it's very first rhop the lettered the tomato tertute and to intors and son nyo to make seda roll biti turistinis do the traditieryonna MI Chit Hieroll in all ridut Sahabu 1 1 Uszysz toukoothie cztery wypowiedzi na temat chorofazow w nadranthi Hopasno kado wypowiedzi Na podstawie Diformacji zawych rozwiazania wo taten Wasledio zdanie 14 odpowtarace je zdanie AE Wpisz ostalo podane dodatkowo nie pasuje Put the tura salad in the roll an Beef stew do face wypowiedzi ront doors at the moment #forsatt to staym Bed 1 ed at home for a week Boudh ni me has a wry but it doesit hurt da This dish isn't difficult to make and it's very ty First Sort Onion, garlie Chit the beer intet shall pieces and mix with a few minutes then take it out and fly the little flout Fry the herrin frying panion After ten minutes, put the beef back into the Ohor, garlic and carrots in the same frying water and sonte salt and pepper Cook Tor hvind part and add a tirof tomatoes, some about 45 minutes and serve it with her 1 Vou don't have to cook this dish. 2 Upehu dialogi wpisz w każda huke Onzymac spore i logiczne telesty I want to make they pre for lunch throwing dren Drakujacy faoment wypowiedzi, tak aby mashed potatoes it it tieth * This takes more than 30 minutes > Abroke my arm yestenay to prepare how did you do that? All town the stars You don't need water for this dish 4. Przeczytal teksty. W zadaniach 1-3 zgodna z treścią tekstów. Zakresl litere An z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciw 3 Pixeczytaj teksty na temat trzech potraw A corazadania i 4. Da kahdego zdania dopasuj własciwy tekst Uwagal Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch dart. albo 1 Tal me about your hero! Asha with cheese sauce Tonen make pasta with cheese sauce at the weekend ist bol some water ma saucepan wack the pasta cook it for twelvemmutes Then while the pasta sokhta, mis some moura putter together and hy it in a nying plan for a wute Add some milk some grated cheese and some salt and pepper cook the ce for a few mutes until it is thick Then the pasta to the cheese sauce and serve about an important person in your life. I could Write a short essay (no more than 200 words) be a member or your family, a teacher, celebrity or even someone from the past Tell us why this person in your hero and describe We will publish the three best essays in next the important events in their lite months magaerne