Write 6 questions with WAS/WERE using these questions words: 1/what 2/where 3/how 4/why 5/when 6/what time.
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Odpowiedź :


What was she eating yesterday?

Where were they going to school?

How was he doing this?

Why were you crying?

When was she cooking dinner?

What time were we spending there?

Nie wiem na 100% czy jest dobrze ale mam nadzieję, że pomogłam ☺️


1. What Mark did when he was in math class?

2. Where was Mary when everyone was cleaning?

3. How did you find yourself in the top ten?

4. Why was Lisa at the supermarket?

5. When they were doing the assignment, was Jennie singing?

6. what time was Yuqi home?

Wyjaśnienie:1. Co zrobił Mark, kiedy był na lekcji matematyki?

2. Gdzie była Mary, kiedy wszyscy sprzątali?

3. Jak znalazłeś się w pierwszej dziesiątce?

4. Dlaczego Lisa była w supermarkecie?

5. Kiedy wykonywali zadanie, czy Jennie śpiewała?

6. o której godzinie Yuqi był w domu?