Last winter I went to New York. It was a very interesting trip because, it was the first time when I have ever visited the United States. It was around Christmas so there was a lot of decorations and it all looked very magical and beautiful. I liked it very much because it’s always been my dream to visit New York. I got to do so many amazing things and visited lots of amazing places. I saw the Times Square, saw the Empire State Building, got a photo shoot with The Statue Of Liberty, saw the city at night, which was beautiful and overally I had an amazing time. I would really recommend visiting Central Park, it was even better than I expected, it was very big and colourful. Did you know that there’s even a castle there? My favourite part was the zoo, but i also loved the strawberry fields. During my trip I I was so excited to see New York that I forgot my bag with the keys to my apartment inside. I couldn’t even remember where I lost it so I had to go back all of the places that I had visited including Central Park, cinema, shops, Times Square, restaurant and I had to ask many many people about my bag and event had to watch the security footage. Fortunately I found the bag in a small shop with souvenirs and I feel that I am very lucky that people were honest and they gave it back to me. Thanks to that I was able to go back to my apartment and had a place to sleep during that cold and snowy December.