Przeczytaj poniższe teksty (1-3) i zdecyduj, o czym jest każdy z nich. Wybierz odpowiednią literę (A-D). Napisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. Uwaga! Jeden temat nie pasuje do żadnego tekstu.
A homework B a lost purse C a broken leg D being late for a bus
1 To: Becky Oh, I am sorry. It may be in the shop so you should ask there. Perhaps someone found it and Lukas gave it to the manager. How are you going to get home without any money?
The text is about en...
2 Hi Julie, I just have to tell you that it's really bad. I have to put on a plastic bag when I have a shower! And it's so boring because I have to stay at home. Please, come round and visit me. Bye for now Sue
The text is about ...
Sorry I'm late, mum, but I missed the 6.42 and there's not another one for an hour Can you give me a lift in the car? I'm standing at the stop just outside the school.