Brałaś/eś udział w organizacji konkursu szkolnego o budowaniu ze śniegu. Podziel się informacjami o nim na szkolnym blogu.

- napisz, gdzie konkurs się odbył I kto w nim uczestniczył;

- opisz najlepsze prace konkursowe;

- udziel informacji na temat kolejnego konkursu.
Praca ma zawierać 80-120- słów.
Termin dzisiaj 21.00

Odpowiedź :

Hi there!

Recently I took part in a competition with "building of snow" and I would like to share my experiences. The competition took place last Saturday on the school pitch at 2 p.m. It was really fun. Few people came - 15 but it was great. We split into 3 teams. Team 1 - Jacob, Catherine, Olivia, Ann and Nicole. Team 2 - Caroline, Lili, Alice, Philip and Matthew. And also team 3 - Amelia, Susanna, Gabrielle, Christopher and Sylvia. All the teams were great but only one can win. Best job was team 3, congratulations! They built an igloo 170cm high! Good job. The next such competition will be held this Wednesday at 18 o'clock. We invite everyone!