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Zadanie 1

1. fur

2. tail

3. cheek

4. beak

5. shell

6. claws

Zadanie 2

mammals: elephant, tiger

lay eggs: platypus, lizard

can dig in the ground: mole, worm

can roll up: armadillo, snake

live in grasslands: mice, crickets

Zadanie 3

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Zadanie 4

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zadanie 5

1. All species of seal eat shellfish .

2. Can you name a fish which lays its eggs

on the bottom of a lake?

3. Wolves, coyotes and foxes are examples

of mammals that live in grasslands.

4. Squirrels are real sleepyheads- when they get

tired after digging holes, they can sleep for

up to 14 hours.

Zadanie 6.

1. It's difficult to see a lynx in the forest becuase people have often killed

it for fur.

2. The two parts of the body help the lynx  hunt are very good eyes and small brushes at the end of their  ears.

3. Thick fur and big furry paws protects the lynx from getting cold  in the snow.

Zadanie 7:

Name of the species: Capybara

Type of animal: mammal (cavy)

Continent: South America

Habitat: tropical and temperate regions of South America, always near water

Food: plants

Body: barrel-shaped body and a short head, with reddish-brown fur on the upper body