Dear (imię osoby)!
I hope you’re doing great, I’m writing to you about our sleepover at my house.
I wanted to tell you about the rules, that you have to follow at my place.
At my house we can do so much fun stuff/things, but we also have to follow the rules and avoid stuff like: -making a big mess without cleaning after, -going outside without our shoes or going inside the house with your shoes on. Don’t get mad, we have a lot of fun stuff to do! We can bake cookies, we can do some cool “DIY’s”, we can play video games, we can play outside with the dog, and also, we can go shopping if you want to :)
Can’t wait to see you this weekend! Hope that you will enjoy the time spent with me and if you want to, you can also suggest some fun stuff to do!
Waiting, XYZ (lub imię)