5 Przeczytaj teksty 1.12. Uzupełnij luki (1-3) we-mailu do Michelle zgodnie z treścią tekstów. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. 1 YOUTH HOSTEL WEEKEND Train leaves on Friday at 5:00 pm and returns on Sunday afternoon. Stay at the beautiful Youth Hostel in Brainyfield. Hiking on Saturday: choice of activities on Sunday For more information, come to the meeting in Room 1 today! 2 Weekend itinerary Friday We're meeting at 4:30 at the ticket office in the central train station. We're checking in to the Brainy field Youth Hostel, where we'll have dinner together at 7:30 pm. Saturday Have you ever been hiking in the Brainyfield Hills? If not, this is your chance! Don't forget to bring your hiking boots, a small backpack and some suncream too! 上 Sunday If you haven't visited the beautiful old town of Brainybridge, we recommend a sightseeing trip on Sunday morning. You'll visit the castle, the old library and many more places. You can also go on a boat trip on the river before coming back home on Sunday (the train sets off at 4:00 pm)