VI. Uważnie przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Staraj się udzielać pełnych odpowiedzi w języku angielskim. ( 8 p. )
Krtin Nithiyanandam is passionate about science.
At school, he always dreamed of doing a research project. His dream came true when he was 15 and he came up with an idea for a new test that shows if a person has Alzheimer’s disease. He won $25,000 for his invention. After that, he won more prizes –first for discovering a new way to treat a type of cancer, and then for developing a new material that cleans dirty water. Krtin is currently a student at Stanford University in the USA.
Mikaila Ulmer is worried about the future of bees. When she was four, she discovered that the world’s honey bees were dying, so she decided to help them. She found her great-grandmother’s recipe for lemonade and learned to make the drink. She began to sell it at local fairs, and she gave 10% of the money she made to groups that helped bees. Today, she has her own company called Me & the Bees Lemonade and more than 500 stores in the USA sell her product.
1 What is Krtin passionate about?
2 What test did he invent at the age of 15?
3 How much money did he win for his invention?
4 What other prizes did Krtin win and what for?

5 What is Mikaila worried about?

6 Why did she decide to help honey bees at the age of four?
7. What drink did she learn to make?
8. Where can you buy Mikaila’s special lemonade today?

Odpowiedź :


1. Krtin is passionate about science.

2. At the age of 15 he invented a test that shows if a person has Alzheimer's disease.

3. For his invention he won $25,000.

4. He also won a prize for discovering a new way to treat a type of cancer, and then for developing a new material that cleans dirty water.

5. Mikaila is worried about the future of bees.

6. At the age of 4 she decided to help honey bees because she discovered that theirs world were dying.

7. She learnt to make lemonade.

8. We can but Mikaila's special lemonade in more than 500 stores in the USA.