Pomoże ktoś w tych 2 zadaniach proszeee
Daje najjj błagam ​

Pomoże Ktoś W Tych 2 Zadaniach Proszeee Daje Najjj Błagam class=

Odpowiedź :


1. Were you having dinner with your family at 8 p.m last night?

Odpowiedź: Yes, I was./ Yes we are having dinner last night

2. Who was sitting next to you in your first lesson today?

Odpowiedź: My friend Elizabeth, she's so nice.

3. Was your teacher speaking to the class five minutes ago?

Odpowiedź: Yes, he was/ Of course, he's making good vibes in class.

4. Were you sleeping at 3 a.m this morning?

Odpowiedź: Yes, I was./ Yes I'm so tried.

5. What were you talking about with your friends before school this morning?

Odpowiedź: We're talking about math test (możesz skończyć na test lub kontynuować) who was supposed to be in the second lesson.

6. Was it raining at 10.30 p.m last night?

Odpowiedź: Yes, it was. / Yes, it rained a long time last night

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