2 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie z pary tak, by znaczyło to, co pierwsze. Zastosuj wyraz podany w nawiasie. Na czerwono zaznaczono fragment zdania, który trzeba zmienić.

1 Bushes aren’t as tall as trees.

Trees……………………………………. bushes. (than)

2 Tom’s car is better than my car.

My car is……………………………….. Tom’s car. (than)

3 She’s too short to reach the shelf.

She’s …………………………… to reach the shelf. (enough)

4 It’s not warm enough to go for a walk.

It’s …………………..to go for a walk. (too)

5 Japanese is more difficult than German.

Japanese……………………………………..German. (as)

6 My sister is smarter than any other student in her class.

My sister is ……………………………………… student in her class. (the)