Unit 4 – test

1. Połącz połówki zdań: (6 pkt)

- Can you help me with my homework? I .........

- Can you give me my glasses? I ..............

- Can you call my mum? I .............

- Can you speak more slowly? I ........

- Can you make dinner for 8.30? I ............

- Can you tell me your name again? I .............

a) can`t come before then.

b) can`t see.

c) can`t do it.

d) can`t find my mobile.

e) can`t understand you.

f) can`t remember it.

2. Uzupełnij brakujące słowa w dialogu: (7 pkt)

A. Can I h……….. you?

B. Yes. What s............... is this T-shirt?

A. It`s a medium. What size do you need?

B. I need a l................... .

A. Here you a....................... .

B. Thanks. Where can I try it on?

A. The c.......................... rooms are over there.

B. Th................... you.

A. How is it?

B. It`s fine. How m.................. is it?

A. It`s 15 pounds.

3. Uzupełnij tekst poprawnym zaimkiem: (8 pkt)


Lily is worried about her boyfriend, Jamie. She calls ............... every day, but he doesn`t call ................. . When she wants to talk to Jamie ..................... always says he`s busy. She waits for ............. after work, he he`s often with some friends. Jamie`s friends don`t like Lily, and she doesn`t like .................... . Lily says hello, but .................... don`t look at her. Now she know that Jamie doesn`t love ................... . But she`s happy because she knows that ............ can find a new boyfriend.

4. Czasownik w nawiasie wstaw w odpowiedniej formie: (6 pkt)

- I love …………………………… (shop).

- I like ................................. (go) to the cinema.

- I don`t mind ......................... (get up) early.

- He loves .......................... (work) in an office.

- I don`t like ......................... (do) the housework.

- I hate ............................ (drive) at night.

Odpowiedź :


Ex. 1

1. c

2. b

3. d

4. e

5. a

6. f

Ex. 2

1. help

2. size

3. large

4. are

5. changing

6. Thank

7. nie wiem co tutaj

Ex. 3

1. him

2. her

3. he

4. him

5. them

6. they

7. her

8. she

Ex. 4

1. shopping

2. going

3. getting up

4. working

5. doing

6. driving