Complete the sentences with words from B. Translate the fragments in Polish into English. Write the answers in your notebook. Compare your answers with a partner. 1 I want a as a pet, but my dad says no. My sister thinks they're really scary. (Jedzą szczury) and mice, so it wouldn't be easy to get food for them. 2 My grandparents have a.... She's lovely, but they have to take her for a walk (dwa razy dziennie). 3 We have a (Mieszka w) a hutch in the garden. His favourite food is lettuce and cabbage. 4 I have two They live in a cage in the kitchen, but we let them out (w ogrodzie) when it's sunny. 5 (Jedynym zwierzakiem, jakiego) my parents will allow me to have is a...It swims around inside a tank in our livin room. I think it has a really boring life, so I want to buy another one so that it has a friend. 6 My uncle has a He lives in a cage in the garage. (Dużo śpiewa,) and I like feeding him. 7. We have a... She's really cute and furry, but (często przynosi) birds and mice into the housel in a cage (w swojej sypialni). It smells terrible and it's really boring. It doesn't do anything 8 My brother has a although it does have a wheel to exercise in,