Uzupełnij zdania używając must can ' t , may , might , could tak , aby wyrazić przypuszczenia lub wnioski dotyczące opisanych sytuacji .1 Mary ' s desk is always in a terrible mess . There are pens , books , bottles and papers everywhere . She _ _ a very organised person .
2 They go on holiday to exotic countries , have three cars and a large house . They - rather rich .
3 Chris looks quite sad today , don ' t you think ? He - be worried about that maths test , I ' m telling you .
4 Look at all these palms ! Yes , it - very cold here in winter .
5 She is very good at drawing and imagining spaces . She _ become an architect one day .
6 I don ' t recognise all these houses here . Are you sure it is the right street ? You ' re right . It - be the right address
7 I ' m sure it ' s not Jake , because he ' s in Paris . It _ _ be Jake .
8 Her car is parked outside . Kate __ be at home .