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Nazywam się ... Mam ... lat . Jestem polką i mieszkam w ... Mam ... letnią córkę która bardzo lubi język angielski i uczy się go już od 2 lat . W wolnym czasie lubię chodzić do kina i na spacery. Moją pasją jest gotowanie dla siebie i najbliższych. Moim popisowym daniem jest spagetti . Jestem osobą ambitną i z uporem dążę do wyznaczonych sobie celów. Jednym z nich jest chęć nauczenia się języka angielskiego w stopniu bardzo dobrym.
Do zobaczenia na zajęciach
pozdrawiam ....

Odpowiedź :

My name is.... I'm ..... years old. I'm from Poland and i live in...... I have ....years old dother. She like english and she learn it for 2 years. in free time I like going to the cinema and going for a walk. My passion is cooking for me and my family. My favourite food is spaghetti. I'; very ambitious person and I always get what I want. i want learn english and have good level.
See you later in class.
I'm salute you!
Dear Ann,

Hello! My name is (imię) and I'm 13 years old. I am Polish and I live in (miasto). My daughter is (wiek) years old. She likes learn English and she has been learning for 2 years. I spend my free time for walking, and cinema. My hobby is cooking for me and my friends/family. My best dinner is spaghetti. I am ambitious and I always seek to points. One of them is learn English very well.

See you at classes.
Hi John,

My name is Andzia, I'm 29. I'm Polish and I leave in Wygnajewo. I've got 7 years old daughter. She has been learning English language for 2 years and she likes it very much. In my free time I like go to cinema and go for a walk. My passion is cooking for me and my friends. One of my the most spectacular meals is spaghetti. I'm very ambitious person and I always pursue my goals. One of them is to be very fluent in English language.

See you later in classes.
