Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna, jeśli ktoś sprawdzimi ten tekst. Z Angielskiego to ja jestem półciemna, więc proszę się nie śmiać. haha xD

It didn’t seemed to me that this boy it’s boy from story… but to time…
I came back to home. The boy sat on the carpet and stared at me so I sat too.
-I’m Mark- he said and suddenly he was near me! I was speechless and struck with terror in the sofa but he didn’t worry about this. He slowly approached to me.
-I need you. Can you help me? – I heard child’s voice. I didn’t answered. He put his small hands on my head and then all started turn. I fell and suddenly I was in water. I couldn’t take a breathe and every now and then my head was underwater . I wanted surface but I didn’t felt up to doing this… I stopped fight and swam away on the depth.

Odpowiedź :

już sprawdzony tekst masz poniżej;P
widzę, że z translatora brałaś;P... bo gdzie niegdzie nie umiałam się skapnąć o co chodzi;P...

I didn’t seemed that this boy, it’s boy from story… but for time…
I came back for home. The boy sat on the carpet and he looked at me so I sat, too.
-I’m Mark- he said and suddenly he was near me! I couldn't say any world but he didn’t worry about that. He slowly approached to me.
-I need you. Can you help me? – I heared child’s voice. I didn’t answer. He put his small hands on my head and then all started spin. I fell and suddenly I was under the water. I couldn’t take a breathe and from time to time my head was under the water. I wanted get out but I couldn't to do this… I stopped fight and swam away.

troszkę pozmieniałam, bo lepiej tak składniowo brzmi :)