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Moja ciocia nazywa się Maria. Urodziła się 21 grudnia 1914 w Częstochowie. Mieszka tutaj. Ciocia Mary miała męża, ale zmarł 4 lata temu. Miała ona siostrę i brata. Jej brat był aktorem, a siostra fryzjerką. Ciocia Mary miała mały telewizor i radio. programy w telewizji były czarno-białe. Jej lodówka była zawsze pełna, ciocia bardzo lubi gotować. Ona gotuje od dzieciństwa-matka zmarła, a ojciec był w pracy. Ona gotowała dla siebie, taty i młodszego rodzeństwa. Ciocia uwielbia filmy przyrodnicze. Kocha zwierzęta. Z miłości do zwierząt była weterynarzem. Lubiła słuchać muzyki. Jej ulubioną piosenkarką była Marlena Dietrich. Była kiedyś na jej koncercie. To było jej największe marzenie.

Odpowiedź :

My aunt is called mary. December has been born in chenstochowa 21 1914. Here it lives. Aunt had husband Mary, but 4 year ago zmarł. She (it) had sister and brother. Brother was actor , but sister hairdresser. Aunt had small tv set Mary and radio. Programs were in television.
My aunt name is Maria. She is born on December 21, 1914 in Czestochowa. She lives here. Aunt Mary have a husband, but he died 4 years ago. She had a sister and brother. Her brother was a actor, and sister, a hairdresser. Aunt Mary had a little TV and radio. Programs
on TV was black and white. Her fridge was always full, my aunt, she likes to cook. She cooks from her childhood-his mother died and his father was at work
. She cooked for myself, dad and younger siblings. Auntie loves nature films. She loves animals. With love for animals was a veterinarian. She liked to listen to music. Her favorite singer was Marlene Dietrich. Was once at the concert. It was her biggest dream.
Maria is my aunt. She was born on 21december of1914 in Częstochowa. She's still leaving there. She had a husband but he died 4 years ago. She had a sister and brother. Her brother was an actor, a sister was a hairdresser. Her fridge was always full of food because my aunt liked cook. She was cooking from the childhood - her mother died, and her father was always being in the job. She was cooking for herself, her father and her youner sibling. My aunt loves films of nature, she loves animals so she was
veterinary surgeon. She liked to listen the music, her favourite singer was M.D. One time she was in her concert. It was her greatest dream.